What is the full form of TRP

What is the full form of TRP

TRP: Television Rating Point

TRP stands for Television Rating Point. TRP is a tool which reveals the number of viewers of TV channels and is helpful to understand the popularity of a program or channel. TRP provides a measure of people’s interest and indicates a specific program’s success. A program with a greater TRP reflects a large number of users viewing the program.

TRP is also called ‘people’s meter’ and records the program and time viewed by an individual in a day for 30 days from which an average data is derived. This data is taken as the sample to assess the overall statistics of viewership status of the specific channel in various sectors.

How TRP is calculated

  • Picture Matching Method

Through this system, people meter monitors the tiny portion of the picture that is viewed on a specific TV set continuously after that information is collected from the survey residences and used for national rating calculation.

  • Frequency Monitoring Technique

In this method, a people meter calculates the time and program an audience watches on a given day. The average is obtained over 30 days, that provides the audience with numbers status for a specific channel.

Picture Matching approach is more accurate than the method of measuring frequencies.

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