What is the full form of PPE
What is the full form of PPE Kit
PPE Kit: Personal Protective Equipment Kit
PPE stands for personal protective equipment. This equipment is used to protect healthcare workers and prevent the spread of germs to others. The equipment is personal because it’s used individually and not shared with others. Most of them are thrown away after being used one time. They are protective because the equipment works as a barrier between the body and the germs

Infection prevention and control measures include, among other measures: hand hygiene, personal protective equipment and waste management materials.
The Protective equipment consists of garments placed to protect the health care workers or any other persons to get infected.
These usually consist of standard precautions: gloves, mask, gown. If it is blood or airborne high infections, will include: Face protection, goggles and mask or faceshield, gloves, gown or coverall, head cover, rubber boots.