What is the full form of POK

What is the full form of POK

POK: Pakistan Occupied Kashmir

POK stands for Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) is that part of the Jammu and Kashmir (India) which was illegally occupied by Pakistan in 1947. Pakistan has divided POK into 2 parts i.e. Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. The population of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir(Azad Kashmir+Gilgit Baltistan) is Approx. 52 lac in 2020.

POK full form

History of POK

akistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK) is that part of the Jammu and Kashmir (India) which was invaded by Pakistan in 1947. The region is referred by the United Nations and other international organizations, as ‘Pakistani-controlled Kashmir’ (or Pakistan Administered Kashmir) and it was re-named as ‘Pakistan occupied Jammu-Kashmir’ by the Modi government.

Pakistan occupied Kashmir is divided into two parts:

  • Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK)
  • Gilgit-Baltistan (referred to as the ‘Northern Areas’ till August 2009)
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