What is the full form of Mbps

What is the full form of Mbps

Mbps: Megabits per Second

Mbps stands for Megabits per Second. It is the measure of the data transfer rate measured as (Mb). Megabits per second (Mbps) generally used in communications and data technology to measure the speed of data transfer. 

Mbps indicates transfer of one million bits or 1,000 kilobits of data per second. It is the average speed at which files can be downloaded from the web into your smartphone or computer device. The higher Mbps, the faster files are downloadable from the internet.

Broadband speeds are mentioned in Mbps, So when your ISP(Internet Service Provider) say we have a speed of 8 Mbps, that gives us a download speed of 1 MBps according to the standards of our phone and laptop (PC). 

1 byte = 8 bits

1 kbps = 1000 bits

1 mbps = 1000 kilobits

1 gbps = 1000 megabits

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