What is the full form of HMM

What is the full form of HMM

Hmm: Hug Me More (No special meaning or definition)

The word HMM is usually used in chats and don’t have a special meaning or definition.  Hmm generally mean that someone is thinking about how to answer a question but hasn’t decided on a definite answer yet, and wants to let the person who asked the question know that they heard the question and are thinking about it.

“Hmm, I don’t have an answer yet, but I want to let the other person know that I’m thinking of one.”

Girls often use it a lot. hmm can mean that the person totally agrees with your message and it’s a kind of “yes”. Sometimes, some people use this as a hint to tell the other person that they are not interested in this conversation, so let’s finish.

Hmm is also used when your a victim of the conversation,it could be in a situation where you advise in text messages and the other person has no option but just to listen to you. Therefore in this situation hmm is used.

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