What is the full form of GUI

What is the full form of GUI

GUI: Graphical USer Interface

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface.  It is an interface that allows one to interact with electronic devices like computers and tablets through graphic elements.

It displays all the contents whether a text file or an object or pictures or videos and all the things that a user wants to visualize. It interacts well and can be used everywhere whether a mobile phone, tablet, laptops, Personal Computer and all the other electronic devices. It can be used best in the gaming side where the resolution is being considered.

History of GUI

Earlier, there was no GUI so people used to interact with the command-line interface(CLI). The CLI was not that friendly to use and the end-user was not familiar with all the commands. So to bridge this gap, GUI was introduced. The main aim of the GUI was to make the applications much more user-friendly. People love when the task which they want to perform gets done easily and in an efficient manner.

GUI stresses one of the most important aspects which is “ease of use”.

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