What is the full form of EWS

What is the full form of EWS

EWS: Economically Weaker Section

EWS stands for Economically Weaker Section. EWS in India is a subcategory of people belonging to the General Category having an annual family income less than ₹8 lakhs and who absolutely do not belong to any reserved category such as SC/ST/OBC.

It is a kind of reservation scheme that came into effect in year 2019. The EWS bill was approved by the President of India on 12th January 2019. On 14th January 2019, Gujarat became the first state to enact this law.   

EWS reservation scheme has been introduced to provide 10% reservation in direct recruitment in civil posts & services in the Govt. of India to persons who belongs to the EWS category and are not covered under any other reservation scheme such as SC, ST and OBC category. 

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