What is the full form of ETA

What is the full form of ETA

ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival or Expected Time of Arrival

ETA stands for Estimated Time of Arrival or Expected Time of Arrival.

ETA is one of the most used words on the internet.

The use of this word is to express the time of arrival of a thing or a parcel of transport to arrive. The estimation of the arrival is calculated by distance and speed.

How ETA is calculated?

ETA = Distance / Speed.(Distance divided by speed)

  • Distance = Distance of a transport vehicle which should be travel
  • Speed = Speed of the vehicle.

So by using this formula, we can estimate the time of arrival of that vehicle.

The ETA is almost the same as the exact time to arrive. 

The word ETA is also used in the software industry and railway departments.


In software we see many of us use the word ETA. When we need to submit any of our projects to the clients then we use this abbreviation to express an estimated time to the client. so both client and developer will have an idea when a project will complete.

ETA in Railway

In railways, we see the train arrival is calculated by ETA formulae. Most of us will watch for the ETA to confirm the time and date to booked rail or to prepare for the journey. It will help us to not waste our time waiting even if the train is not in our way. so by using ETA, we can come to the station when a train actually arrives.

ETA in Delivery

When we order something online or a parcel we need to receive will have an option as ETA. this will show us the time and date which a parcel will arrive at a destination. We will have an estimated time to get ready to receive a package. It will help unnecessarily waiting for a parcel.

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