What is the full form of CCTV

What is the full form of CCTV

CCTV: Closed Circuit Television

CCTV stands for Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) also known as video surveillance. It is a system where all the elements like video camera, display monitors, recording devices are directly connected. It is used to monitor a sensitive area ( A particular area which needs continuous observation and where there is no one to watch all the time). It is very helpful to prevent crime because it monitors all the activities and record them. It is also used for traffic monitoring by detecting congestion and notice accidents.

CCTV uses wired or wireless transmission to send the signals or broadcast to the monitor or recording device. It can transmit video, audio or both. Advanced CCTV cameras also have night vision capabilities to record low light images. The CCTV signal are not publically distributed but are monitored for security purposes.

CCTV Full form

CCTV is commonly used for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Maintaining perimeter security in medium- to high-secure areas and installations.
  • Observing behavior of incarcerated inmates and potentially dangerous patients in medical facilities.
  • Traffic monitoring.
  • Overseeing locations that would be hazardous to a human, for example, highly radioactive or toxic industrial environments.
  • Building and grounds security.
  • Obtaining a visual record of activities in situations where it is necessary to maintain proper security or access controls for example, in a diamond cutting or sorting operation; in banks, casinos, or airports .
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