What is the full form of CA

What is the full form of CA

CA: Chartered Accountant

CA stands for Chartered Accountant. CA is a professional designation in the field of financial accounts, budgeting, auditing, business strategy and taxation.

Chartered accountants are members of national professional accounting bodies in their countries. In India, the Institute of Charted Accountants of India (ICAI) is the national professional accounting body which regulates the profession of Cost and Management Accountancy.

It is one of the toughest profession & one of the most popular career choices in India. 

In the United States, the equivalent to the CA designation is a certified public accountant (CPA).

CA full form

Chartered accountants work in all fields of business and finance, including auditing, taxation, financial and general management. Some are engaged in public practice work, others work in the private sector and some are employed by government bodies

Eligibility Criteria for Chartered Accountancy

  • An Individual can start their path in becoming a chartered accountant either after 12th or after completing graduation /post-graduation.
  • The paths are similar but if you are a graduate or postgraduate, you can skip a few steps which are compulsory for someone who just passed their high school.
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